Conduct social media paid ads.

YOU ~ 45 mins YOUR VA ~ 6 hrs
Align ~ 30 mins

Identify your goals and budget.
Increase post engagements? Generate leads? Grow page followers? Boost website traffic?

Your VA
Align ~ 2 hrs

Develops a social media ads campaign.
Your VA will propose a detailed campaign plan that may include tactics such as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Tiktok and Pinterest Ads. KPIs and campaign metrics will also be included to accurately measure results.

Align ~ 15 mins

Assess and provide feedback.
Provide your feedback and any questions you have about the strategy presented.

Your VA
Align ~ 3 hrs

Set-up ads and tracking.
Your VA will start crafting the ad creatives and copy. Ad settings will be tailored based on the agreed campaign plan.

Your VA
Align ~ 1 hrs

Monitors the ad campaign.
Your VA will closely monitor progress to ensure you are on track in meeting your KPIs. A report with campaign analytics, milestones and optimizations will also be provided.