Create lead generation strategy.

YOU ~ 25 mins YOUR VA ~ 6 hrs 30 mins
Align ~ 10 mins

Provide your target audience, company objectives and products/services.
You can send any internal documents such as a product deck or SOPs to your VA.

Your VA
Align ~ 2 hrs

Based on your goals and target audience, your VA will create a lead generation strategy.
Email marketing, cold calling, LinkedIn prospecting, Facebook groups and other paid applications or software.

Align ~ 15 mins

Assess and provide feedback.
Provide your feedback and any questions you have about the strategy presented.

Your VA
Align ~ 3 hrs

Generate new leads.
Once approved, your VA will start implementing the recommended strategy.

Your VA
Align ~ 30 mins

Performs continuous monitoring and reporting of results.
Your VA will identify any loopholes and/or obstacles during the lead generation process and suggest ways on how to make the process more efficient.

Your VA
Align ~ 1 hrs

Creates a detailed report on findings, results and recommended strategies moving forward.