Get reviews and feedback from clients

YOU ~ 25 mins YOUR VA ~ 1 hrs 30 mins
Align ~ 10 mins

Provide a list of your client database.
You may specify high value clients and those you have a positive relationship with – your VAs will reach out to them first.

Your VA
Align ~ 1 hrs

Build a customer reviews strategy.
Your VA will draft a message and plan out the best way to reach out to clients. An incentive program may also be created to boost your reviews.

Align ~ 15 mins

Review feedback and testimonials from clients.
Keep a record of all your client reviews – you can share this with your team to boost employee morale!

Your VA
Align ~ 30 mins

Posts reviews on social media or website.
Establish yourself as the go-to-expert in your area by sharing your 5-star reviews.